Article I Name, Principal Office, Purposes and Restrictions 1.01 Name. The name of the Association shall be the California Community Colleges Student Financial Aid Administrators Association, a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation (“Association”).
1.02 Principal Office. The Executive Board shall determine the location of the principal office of the Association, provided that until the Executive Board otherwise determines the principal office shall change each year to the county of the institution in which the Treasurer is employed. The permanent address shall be CCCSFAAA c/o CFAU, LACCD, 770 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90017
- 1.03 Purposes. The purposes of the Association include:
- To advance the profession of California community colleges student financial aid administration (“the profession”) through conferences, workshops and other related activities and services.
- To advance the profession through cooperative efforts in developing effective student financial aid programs that will enhance student access to the California community colleges
- To advance the profession by facilitating communication between members of the profession, government agencies, and private and community organizations.
- 1.04 Restrictions. All policies and activities of the Association shall be consistent with:
- Applicable federal, state and local anti-trust and trade regulation laws;
- Applicable tax-exemption requirements, including the requirements that the Association not be organized for profit and that no part of its net earnings are used for the benefit of any private individual; and,
- All other legal requirements, including the California Nonprofit Corporation Law under which law this Association is incorporated and to which its operations are subject.
Article II Members 2.01 Membership Qualifications. There shall be three classes of members: Associate, Active and Lifetime.
2.02 Active Membership. Active Membership shall be limited to practicing student financial aid administrators and staff at California Community Colleges/Districts or the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. Each active member shall be entitled to one vote on all matters that come before the Association and to hold office on the Executive Board.
2.03 Associate Membership. Associate membership shall include representatives of Community College Student Services Offices such as Educational Opportunity Programs and Services Offices, Admissions and Records Offices, Counseling, Disabled Student Programs and Services, or other educational institutions and government agencies, foundations, private and community organizations interested in financial aid matters and persons in an institution of postsecondary education. Associate members are eligible to serve on Association committees. An Associate member shall not be entitled to vote and may not serve as an officer of the Association.
2.04 Lifetime Membership. The Executive Board may award Lifetime membership to any person. Lifetime Member dues for the recipient of this honor shall be waived. A Lifetime Member may have their conference fee waived. A Lifetime Member is entitled to all the rights and privileges of an Associate membership in the Association.
2.05 Termination. A membership shall be suspended or terminated whenever the Executive Board, or a committee or person authorized by the Executive Board, in good faith determines that any of the following events have occurred: (a) resignation of member; (b) expiration of the period of membership, unless the membership is renewed on the renewal terms fixed by the Executive Board; or (c) an occurrence of any event that renders a member ineligible for active membership.
CCCSFAAA is committed to ensuring that members of the association, leadership and staff all uphold the utmost ethical principles. We require members to demonstrate the highest level of professionalism, exemplify the highest levels of ethical behavior in helping students, families and members of the association. CCCSFAAA will adopt the NASFAA Principles of Ethics and Values. Those who are found not to be in good standing of these principles will not be allowed to continue membership within the association and forfeit their membership dues.
2.06 Discipline. Any member of the Association may be dropped from membership by action of the Executive Board for just cause after being afforded an opportunity to be heard by a committee appointed by the President.
2.07 Member Obligation to Follow Association Rules. Each member of this Association agrees to be bound by these Bylaws and any amendments thereto, and by the lawful actions of the Executive Board of voting members of the Association.
2.08 Member Liability. No member of the Association shall be personally liable for any of the debts or obligations of the Association.
2.09 Restricted Use of Association Name. No member of the Association may use the Association’s name or their membership in the Association in the sale or promotion of goods or services.
Article III Dues 3.01 Dues. The Executive Board shall set dues and fees, make assessments and set the terms of payment after a vote by the Association membership.
3.02 Refunds. No dues will be refunded.
Article IV Executive Board 4.01 Executive Board. The Executive Board is the governing body of the Association and has authority and is responsible for the supervision, control, and direction of the Association.
4.02 Composition. The Executive Board consists of eighteen persons who shall be the eight officers and ten Regional Representatives.
4.03 Election and Term of Office. Each Executive Board member shall serve a one-year term, commencing July 1 and ending on June 30, with the exception of: the Treasurer-Elect, who shall serve a three year term (one year as Treasurer-Elect, one year as Treasurer and one year as Past-Treasurer) and President-Elect, who shall serve a three-year term (one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President). The Vice-Presidents of Federal will serve a two-year term and will re-elect on even years. Vice-President of State Issues will serve a two-year term and re-elect on the odd years. The Regional Representatives shall be elected by their respective regions to serve a two-year term. The odd numbered regions shall elect a new representative during the odd numbered years, and the even numbered regions during the even numbered years.
4.04 Meetings. The Executive Board shall meet at least annually at the time and place it selects. The presence of more than 50% of the Executive Board constitutes a quorum.
Article V Officers 5.01 Officers. The officers of the Association include: President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Past-Treasurer and Past-President and shall comprise the Executive Committee.
5.02 Qualification. Officers must be Active members.
5.03 Election and Term of Office. Officers are elected by written or electronic ballot as provided in these Bylaws. Each officer shall serve a one-year term, commencing July 1 and ending on June 30, with the exceptions of: Treasurer-Elect, who shall serve a three year term and President-Elect, who will serve a three-year term, the Vice-Presidents of Federal Issues will serve a two-year term and will re-elect on even years. Vice-President of State Issues will serve a two-year term and re-elect on the odd years.
The Regional Representatives shall be elected by their respective regions to serve a two-year term. The odd numbered regions shall elect a new representative during the odd numbered years, and the even numbered regions during the even numbered years.
5.04 Duties. The officers perform those duties that are usual to their positions and which are assigned by the Executive Board, including those duties set forth in position descriptions, for each officer as adopted by the Executive Board. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Board; the President-Elect shall preside in the absence of the President. The Treasurer is the financial officer of the Association.
5.05 Removal. An officer may be removed, for cause, by majority vote of the Executive Board. Members of the Executive Board whose status changes from a voting to a non-voting status must vacate their office and will lose their membership on the Executive Board.
5.06 Compensation. Officers do not receive compensation for their services. However they may receive reimbursement for their expenses to the extent that the Association is able to fund.
Article VI Election of Officers 6.01 Nomination and Elections Committee. The Nomination and Elections Committee shall consist of the Past-President who shall serve as Chair, President-Elect, one Regional Representative from the northern region and one Regional Representative from the southern region as designated by the Chair.
6.02 Nominating Process. The Committee shall solicit nominations for each office from the voting membership and shall designate a ballot slate which includes a minimum of two nominees for each office. The nominations for President-Elect and Vice-President shall be from opposite (northern or southern) regions of the state, and shall alternate between north and south each year. In the absence of the nomination from the appointed region of the state, the board will entertain nominations from the active membership within any region. The Committee shall make known its procedures to the voting membership at the time nominations are solicited.
6.03 Election. The election shall be conducted by written or electronic ballot in accordance with the California Nonprofit Corporation Law. A quorum for this purpose shall be the number of votes cast. A candidate who receives a majority of the votes shall be elected.
Article VII Regional Representatives 7.01 Regional Representatives. A Regional Representative shall represent each of the Regions, including: Region I, Region II, Region III, Region IV, Region V, Region VI, Region VII, Region VIII, Region IX, and Region X.
7.02 Qualification. Regional Representatives shall be Active members.
7.03 Selections and Term of Office. Each Region shall elect one of its members to serve as Regional Representative to serve for a two-year term commencing July 1 and ending June 30. The current Regional Representative will be responsible for ensuring the election of a new Regional Representative prior to the Transition Meeting scheduled during their second year of office. Odd-numbered regions shall elect a new representative during odd numbered years and even-numbered regions shall elect a new representative during even numbered years.
7.04 Duties. Regional Representatives shall attend all Executive Board meetings and serve as liaison between the Executive Board and members of the Region. In addition, Regional Representatives shall schedule, plan and conduct meetings and training activities for their Regions and transmit information on financial aid issues and Association matters to Region members, shall serve on Committees as assigned, and shall perform other duties as assigned by and through the President.
7.05 Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs, the Region shall elect another Regional Representative to fill the remaining portion of the term.
7.06 Compensation. Regional Representatives do not receive compensation for their services. However, they may receive reimbursement for authorized expenses to the extent that the Association is able to fund.
Article VIII Vacancies 8.01 Vacancies. A vacancy occurring in any office of the Executive Board other than that of the President, Past-President or the President-Elect, shall be filled by the appointment of the Executive Board until the installation of the next elected Executive Board. An affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Executive Board, which may be conducted by written or electronic ballot, shall be necessary to fill such a vacancy.
8.02 Such appointment shall not prejudice the election of the incumbent to a regular term of office.
8.03 If a vacancy occurs for the office of President, the position will be assumed by the President-Elect, and will serve the remainder of his or her own term as President.
8.04 A vacancy in the office of President-Elect may be filled by a vote of the membership through either the annual election or a special election to be determined by the Executive Board.
8.05 A vacancy in the office of Past-President shall be filled by the appointment of the previous immediate Past-President or the most recent Past-President.
Article IX Membership Meetings 9.01 Annual Membership Meeting. The Association shall hold an annual meeting of the membership at a location and on the date that the Executive Board determines.
9.02 Special Meetings. The President, the Executive Board or five percent or more of the voting members may call a special meeting of the Association membership. If a special meeting is called, by members as authorized by these Bylaws, the request for the meeting shall be submitted in writing or by electronic notice to the Secretary specifying the general nature of the business proposed to be transacted.
9.03 Notice. The Board must give Association members reasonable notice of all annual and special meetings. The notice must include a description of the business to be discussed and must be given at least ten days before the meeting.
9.04 Voting. The presence of thirty-five percent of the voting membership constitutes a quorum. A majority of members where a quorum is present is necessary to make a decision except where some other number is required by law. Proxy voting is not permitted. Written and electronic voting is permitted as specified in the California Nonprofit Corporation Law.
Article X Committees, Auditors and General Counsel, Rules, Bonding, and Disbursement 10.01 Committees. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the Association and shall have the full authority of the Executive Board between meetings of the Executive Board, provided that it shall report all of its actions at the next meeting. The following committees are deemed standing committees and members will be appointed each year: Conference Committee, Scholarship Committee, Training Committee and Communication Committee. The President may appoint other committees as necessary. The Association shall have such committees as determined by the Executive Board to meet the goals of the Association. These committees shall act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Board and committee membership is for the duration of the Executive Board that made the appointment.
10.02 Auditors and General Counsel. Auditors and General Counsel are appointed by the Executive Committee.
10.03 Rules. The Executive Board may establish rules that are consistent with these Bylaws for the policies, procedures, and programs of the Association.
10.04 Bonding. All individuals with significant financial responsibility on behalf of the Association, including individuals authorized to sign checks, shall be bonded within appropriate limits as determined by the Executive Board.
10.05 Disbursements. The President, Past-President, or Treasurer is vested with the authority to disburse funds of the Association.
Article XI Indemnification and Insurance 11.01 Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by the law, the Association shall indemnify and hold harmless any and all agents against all claims to which they may be subjected by reason of any alleged or actual action or in action in the performance of their duties performed in good faith on behalf of the Association. "Agent" for this purpose shall include officers, and Regional Representatives.
11.02 Insurance. The Association shall have the right to purchase and maintain insurance to the full extent permitted by the law on behalf of its agents against any liability asserted against or incurred by the agent in such capacity arising out of the agent’s status as such.
Article XII Amendment of Bylaws 12.01 Amendment by Executive Board. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Executive Board provided that amendments to the Bylaws by the Executive Board may not materially and adversely affect the rights of members or change the authorized number of Officers.
12.02 Amendment by the Voting Membership. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority affirmative vote of the association’s voting members, provided that each amendment shall have been proposed in writing to the Secretary of the Executive Board by a petition of five percent of the members of the association. The members must approve changes to the Bylaws that materially and adversely affect the rights of members or change the authorized number of Officers.
Article XIII Interpretation 13.01 Interpretation. These Bylaws are subject to the California Nonprofit Corporation Law and must be interpreted so as to conform to that law, as it is interpreted and amended from time to time.
Footnotes: Revised 10/08/2018 Yvonne Glashan, CCCSFAAA Past-President, Bylaws Chair Updated bylaws to change the name of the Newsletter committee to the Communication Committee. Updated to add Past Treasure (Treasurer shall serve a Three-year term (Treasurer - Elect, Treasurer, and Part – Treasurer.
Revised 10/10/2017 Peggy Fikse, CCCSFAAA Past-President, Bylaws and Procedures Chair Updated bylaws to add two-year term change for Vice-President of Federal and State issues.
Revised 5/15/2017 Linda Williams, Past-President, Bylaws Chair. Updated bylaws article 2.04 Lifetime Membership. Updated bylaws article 2.04 Lifetime Membership to include statement that ‘A Lifetime Member may have their conference fee waived.’ to clarify in writing this common past practice.
Revised 10/22/2014 Margie Carrington, CCCSFAAA Past-President, Bylaws Chair Updated bylaws Article 4.03 to change the term of office from January 1 to December 31 to July 1 to June 30 and added, "and President-Elect who shall serve a three-year term (one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President)." and updated Article 5.03 to change the term of office from January 1 to December 31 to July 1 to June 30, and updated all references of "Regional Coordinator" to "Regional Representative" as approved by a motion and a vote by the Executive Board, as recorded in the minutes of the October 21, 2014 meeting.
Revised 10/26/2010 Brad Hardison, CCCSFAAA Past-President, Bylaws Chair Updated bylaws Article 6.02 to add "In the absence of the nomination from the appointed region of the state, the board will entertain nominations from the active membership within any region." as approved by a motion and a vote of 15-1-0 (ayes, noes, abstentions) by the Executive Board, as recorded in the minutes of the July 27, 2010 meeting.
Revised 06/23/2008 Beth Asmus, CCCSFAAA Past-President, Bylaws Chair Updated bylaws Article 6.02 to read "a minimum of two nominees for each office" as approved by an email motion and a vote of 15-0-2 (ayes, noes, abstentions) by the Executive Board, as recorded in the minutes of the August 12, 2008 meeting.
Revised 10/16/2007 Beth Asmus, CCCSFAAA President Updated bylaws to add Treasurer-Elect language in Articles 4.02, 4.03, 5.01 and 5.03 as approved by a motion and vote by the Executive Board at its February 6, 2007 meeting, with the change to the bylaws ratified by a vote of the membership during a special election as reported in the March 26, 2007 minutes of the Association.
Revised 06/06/2006 Susan Jones, CCCSFAAA Past-President, Bylaws and Procedures Chair